Riding the Rails Beyond: A Tribute to Hobo Shoestring and the Spirit of American Freedom

Matt Pierce
3 min readApr 7, 2024

In the wide tapestry of American culture, threaded with the stories of individuals who’ve painted their lives with the broad strokes of freedom and defiance, Mark Nichols, known affectionately as “Hobo Shoestring”, occupies a uniquely vibrant hue. Today, I write not just as a blogger but as a fan mourning the loss of a truly American visual artist, a man who lived his life on the shimmering edge of adventure, freedom, and art.

Hobo Shoestring was a maestro of the rails, an artist whose canvas was the vast American landscape, seen from the open doors of freight trains. His work wasn’t confined to traditional mediums; instead, he chose the boundless freedom of the railroads to express his artistry. His YouTube channel was a window into a world that many of us could only dream of — a world of endless horizons, of thundering trains carving their way through the heart of America, of starlit nights spent in the embrace of moving boxcars.

I never had the privilege of meeting Shoestring in person. Yet, through his videos, I felt as though I was right there beside him, feeling the rumble of the tracks beneath us, the wind in our faces. His love for trains wasn’t just a hobby; it was a profound expression of freedom, an ode to the beauty of living life on one’s own terms. And live on his own terms, he did.

In a society that often equates success with material wealth and conformity, Shoestring stood out as a beacon of authenticity. If he had a fault, by conventional American standards, it was this very insistence on living life according to his own rules, unshackled by societal expectations. Yet, it was this same trait that endeared him to thousands, myself included. Despite any missteps in his early life, the beauty of his later actions and the joy he brought to others more than made up for them.

The news of his passing has left a palpable void, not just within the YouTube community, but in the very fabric of American culture itself. Mark Nichols, Hobo Shoestring, represented a piece of America that is increasingly rare — a spirit of adventure, a testament to the beauty of following one’s passions, no matter where they lead.

In my heart, I know that Shoestring is out there, riding the eternal “Open box car” in the sky, exploring the boundless realms beyond with the same zest and freedom that marked his time on earth. I will miss him deeply — the person, the persona, and everything he represented. His absence makes the world a lesser place, dimmer without the light of his adventurous spirit.

As I pen this memorial, I do so with a heavy heart but also with gratitude. Shoestring allowed us to live our dreams vicariously through his adventures. He reminded us that there’s beauty in the unconventional and that true freedom lies in living according to one’s own terms.

Rest in peace, Hobo Shoestring. Your journey on the rails of this world may have come to an end, but the tracks you’ve left in our hearts will forever guide us in our own adventures. The world is indeed a lesser place without you, but the stories you’ve shared and the inspiration you’ve given us will endure, a lasting testament to a life beautifully lived on the edge of freedom.



Matt Pierce

Journalist and photographer covering Texas, Washington, and the world beyond the borders.